Bite On Bullets: Why!




Friday, September 12, 2008


I just freaking teared real badly. I don't wish to say it out, as I'm afraid tears will start rolling down my cheeks once more.

Second day of work. I actually prefer to be doing some work instead of standing there doing nothing. Yea, I think I'm weird. Anyway, won't be going to work tomorrow. Instead, I'll be at Claire's birthday party to help Char out with the kids and games. Will finally be seeing my beloved cousins.

Television time.

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ddddddddddddddddddddddddd: you have a BIG fat lips
Me: At least I've proper features, a face, and a name. Unlike you, no name, no guts, no nothing. So shut your trap.

Pearl: I hate you lurrrr =x you vist my blog but didn't tag me !
Me: Huh!? Did I? o.o Miss you lah, Pearl! :D

-.-: Can i have ur email?
Me: Sorry, but I don't give my email to people whom I don't know.

I miss you so.

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