I freaking studied from 3-9 yesterday. I myself can't believe it. I wrote notes for 6 whole hours. Great accomplishment for me. -Claps-
Anyway, I was awaken by Daddy. He was supposed to have a Golf game with his friends and he left just slightly before twelve. Suddenly, the phone rang at twelve. Daddy was on the line, asking me to open the door as he didn't bring his keys. He said he rang the doorbell, but I couldn't hear. Opps. So I was wide awake by then. He told me that the car couldn't start, most prolly it's because my brother didn't switch off one of the lights in the car 2 days ago and Daddy only found out yesterday when he was bringing me to the doctor. He's sure gonna get hell later. May buddha bless him, amitabha.
Oh, I went to visit the doctor yesterday. Guess how much the bill costed? 47 bucks! It's because of the anti-biotics, which costs $25. When Mummy came back and saw the bill, she totally went bonkers. Scolded me again as usual. But I don't know why, I was super pissed off yesterday when she did that. I mean, it's not that I wanna fall sick also right? Who the hell in the right mind would wanna fall sick just a few days before examinations!? C'mon. So I said to Daddy in an angry tone, 'Told you don't need see doctor already right! See now I get scolding by her! -Closes room door-'. I was a lil regretful after saying that, it's cause he cares and wanted me to be cured by the time Monday comes. He was being caring and brought me to the doctors, yet I shouted it him. Sorry Daddy. Daddy then came in to my room saying something like ignore her kinda stuff.
Okay, that's bout all. I'm off to do my Accounts now. Buh-bye!

It's kitty madness!
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Isabella: Baby, just delete and ban la, waste your time only, not as if she will write her name down
Me: Yup, banned her already Baby. (: But I bet she'll use her 'other friends' lappy to spam once again.
Weiting: Just f off sia seriously, who are you to judge her, LOSER. Please go kiss asses lah. at least i think she's as cute as hello kitty. hahahahahahahahaha, and i love her.
Me: Laughs! Thanks darling! :D I love you too uh.
Joleen.: Lol da, perhaps you should just ignore (: Loves!
Me: Yea, ignoring. No life bitch. Heheh. Love!
rfrr: ic ..thank you {;
Me: No problem. (:
Jeannie: i'm thinking. why do people like to spam... haiis. Stupid la... anyways, hi Regina! ♥
Me: Hello. Hahah, they're just people who are ashamed of facing the world and locks themselves up in their rooms.
baObaO: eh sis , bo pic uh ?
Me: Have already! Just uploaded, heheh. :D I miss you!
You build me up,
and tore my heart into a million pieces.
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