Happy 7th Birthday, Claire!
I'm tearing (again) while typing this. Why? Don't ask. Secondly, my knee hurts damn freaking badly. It's like I'm walking with a limp on my right leg. Thirdly, I'm having stomach upset. What could possibly br worse than all this three add up together?
Took leave yesterday and attended Claire's birthday bash instead. Met up with Marilyn & Rowena at Tampines. Had lunch and over to the supermarket to get the necessary stuff for the games and off to Charmaine's place. Her sister's friends (Claire, the birthday girl) were uber cute. Well, some of them. As for the rest, they were seriously pain in the arse or irritants. Oh whatever. Had our high tea (which included Mee Siam, Shrimp dumpling and also my favourite, cream puff) first. We (Angela, Charmaine, Matthais, Marilyn, Rowena and I) then were placed at different locations to be incharge of the different games. As for me, I had the hardest one, but the least disgusting. The obstacle course. Blah blah. Everything ended at about 6plus 7. Slacked, crapping and DJ Max-ed in Charmaine's room.
Suddenly 'Let's watch 4bia!' came out of nowhere at 9pm. So, Charmaine, Matthais, Marilyn, Rowena and I went over to Tampines to catch the 9.25pm show. The show freaking scared the hell outta me, I swear! I bet Marilyn and I were the only ones who kept screaming in the threatre. Well, it's more of me cause Marilyn has already caught the show before. She screamed because I did. She was too bored I guess. Haha. The show ended at about 11.30pm. We were all so afraid of entering the cubicle alone I tell you. But I was alright once I came out of the toilet. As for Rowena, it still gives her the freaks. I think I'm getting real brave these days. I'm no longer afraid of horror movies once I'm out of the theatre. But in the theatre it's a whole different story. I'll scream like no tomorrow. Home sweet home by 12.10am.
The 2 hula girls, cute eh?
Left: Cousins. Right: DJ Regina.
She's the sweetest thing ever, sucha pretty lil lady.
It's the third day of work today. Sales were not bad today, infact I'd say it was good. How I'd wish everyday would be like this, so time can pass quickly. I still have to bear with this for 2 whole weeks! Someone, save me. Anyway, came home to change and went for dinner somewhere near my school for steamboat with Daddy, Charmaine, Claire, Aunty & Uncle. Came straight home aftermath.
P/S: I swear Hogan's super lame now. Hogan, Im'ma post up your stick man pictures in my next post! Lol!
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♥ƑιғιєƁαвџ: hello gorgeous, i was here :D
Me: Hello Fidah! Thanks babe. Miss you uh.
Amanda: More spammers, More viewers :D
Me: True, laughs. Stupid Husband, I love you.
Weiting: Haha, ok sillyhead. dont anyhow cry ah. cry must tell me. =x
Me: It's alright, tears are free. :D Heheh. (L)
Zzz: dotz...although i Spam your tag but i not a loser u know...I same ITE as u...NOw i In Poly...So ITE are Nt loser ok?? so Spammer pls Thk wat to Spam to before u Spam...Use your Brain Pls..
Me: Actually I don't really get it, are you trying to help me or the spammer?
baObaO: sis your pic look so xiao meimei lehh! hahaha.
Me: Yea luh, what to do! It's my face man. Love you!
`passing by: how much you bought yr gucci hp strap ?
Me: 200 bucks.
gene: walao dun spam leh..get a life la spammer..zZz..cheerup regina! takecare! XD
Me: Thank you. (:
char: wah.haha at least you got her favourite number right.eh reg the fish still swimming in my stomach sia i damn full.
Me: Lol! Please luh, Char. The fish was already dead when we ate it. I think you should talk more on the pork instead. You ate like 10 over pieces of it. Haha! (L)
Cheryl: haas yeahs cheerup & mahjong soon (:
Me: Thanks girl. No problem! I miss Mahjong. :D
Sandrina: neh ni neh ni poo poo *
Me: You cannot catch me? Hahah! (L)
Joleen.: Stop spamming my and regina's blog la. Think of something new and realistic can not? Born to be losers. Hi darl, <3>
Me: Darl, ignore them. They just wanna attract attention. Don't give a fug to them. Love you too! (L)
Who should I believe in?
You and I or someone else?
You and I or someone else?
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