Okay, I did some online shopping once again. Haha. Suddenly I wanna go shopping so badly. I'll be meeting Amanda tomorrow after her work for a lil shopping session. Anyway, I still want to get this Bebe tee eversince a billion years ago. I was browsing through the net when I came upon this blogshop who's selling the exact tee that I've been eyeing for, for $72 (retail price: $79). I don't know if I wanna get it. It's super expensive and it's secondhand, I might as well just get the original new piece from the store right? What say you?
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★Ben☆: hahas . okays . sure . i later go drop u lor . xD tis year dam bored .
Me: Hahah, recieved. Yea loh, what to do.
sandrina: HELLO MOMMA!
Me: Hi. Lol! :D
Hogan: Imba tired ar RC!
Me: Yes, I'm imba tired too luh! Still go HomeClub. Hahah.
ROWENA: I USE YOUR HEAD BANG WALL AH , YOU THINK FUNNY AH .... * UIC OH UIC ... * the aunty spill orange on my shorts yesterday ))):
Me: Don't want. Not funny meh? Prench Pries. Haa! UIC OH UIC, something something for you and me. :D Serious? I thought it only almost got onto my bag? How come it flew to your shorts?
ANGE: Huh, nothing is gonna happen cousin dear. How can you not know what colour i like! anw, I MISS YOU!!
Me: Sure not, ahem. Hahah! I forgot what, suddenly. Lol. Miss you too! See you on I-don't-know-when.
baObaO: hey sis , thanks for your wish ! (:
Me: It's nothing sis, I'm super sorry for the late wish. ): Read my October 8 post. I love you. (L)
passerby: hey girl,u use what to cover ur eyebag
Me: I don't use anything to cover my eyebag(if there's any).
★Ben☆: sry if i late reply ur comments . coz my friendster sot sot liao . cant drop others comments . dunno y . u working on tis sat too ? lols . i working too . my very 1st time work . wakakas .
Me: Nah, it's alright. Yup, I intro-ed the job to you all know. Hahah! :D
passer: nice song , nice blog && u are pwetty too =D
Me: Thanks. (:
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