Take note: I wasn't pointing my middle finger in the picture above, instead it was supposed to be a 'twist' sign.
School was awesome. Why? Because there's Sports & Wellness! All time favourite man. Played Volleyball throughout the entire one and a half hours period. I injured myself though. I was playing with Jessica when the ball overshot and me being that clever one, decided to catch it. In the end, the volleyball hit my thumb's nail and poof! It started bleeding profusely. How wonderful. I thought I broke my nail into half, but actually I didn't. It's just that a third of my nail was seperated from my skin. Enough bout that. Took 38 back home after S&W.
Got home, took a quick bathe and off to Tampines to meet the Cousins, Angela, Charmaine and Rowena. Long John - Aracde - Home. Saw ValeriePKY. (L) Got my new navel stud, and I'm lovin' it.

Make a guess what 'CAL' stands for.
Reign acting stupid.
Here's some videos we took on Sunday, I'm sure it's gonna tickle your funnybone. Enjoy!
P/S: Sorry for the blur videos, I forgot that I brought my camera and used my handphone instead.
Capture your attention.
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