Met Hogan at Simei at freaking 2.45pm. Waited for Cleomine, Kai, Joseph to arrive at 3pm. We were supposed to meet at 1.30pm for lunch. How Imba's that? Had Chicken Rice for lunch and over to my place.
Chatted/used my lappy/played board games/cards/PS2. Ruth then arrived. Cloemine won Hogan in a game of Battleship, and it was her first time playing. Lousy ass. Grins. They got so board that they even took out my straightening/curling hair kit to play. There goes Cleomine's hair. But it was nice. That ass, Hogan wanted to play Mahjong so badly. So I rang Marilyn up and asked her if she wanted to come over. Guess what? She came over with Edwin in about 15 minutes! Played a pot with Hogan, Marilyn and Edwin while the rest went for dinner at EastPoint. Mommy bought dinner back for me and Hogan. What was for dinner? Chicken Rice again! I can't believe I had it for both my lunch and dinner.
Finished Mj and over to Tampines with Hogan, Marilyn, Ruth and Edwin to catch High School Musical 3! The show was awesome! Cried like there's no tomorrow, as usual. The movie ended at 11plus. All of us accompanied Marilyn back to her place to grab her clothes and back to my place. The 4 of us continued our Mahjong session again while Ruth was busy with my laptop. Hogan lost all his credits! Luckily we decided not to account for it in the end. Ended Mj close to 7 in the morning. Caught some uber hilarious videos on Youtube and everyone went to sleep for bout an hour or so. That ass fell asleep in less than a freaking minute. How scary's that? Haha!

Got up slightly after 8 and went over to Burger King's for breakfast with Hogan and Ruth. Marilyn and Edwin headed home. Guess who I saw at EastPoint? Mr Alvin Wong aka my Class Advisor. He told me not to skip school the next day. Don't really get it, because I attend all my lessons. Oh well. Had our sumptious meal and the both of them then trained home after breakfast. Went home and hibernated. Ha!
I wanna be the first thing you see every morning when you open your eyes.
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