Cabbed over to EastPoint with Amanda, Katherine & Nathaniel. Collected Amanda's phone and met Joey. Nathaniel then left, we went down to NTUC to get the baking stuff they wanted. Oh, before I forget. All the best with Jiajun, Katherine! (L) So did you guys guessed why they wanted to bake? Obviously for their loved ones. Fyi, I didn't bake. Walked to my place after that, where they started baking. Left home slightly after 5 to meet Marilyn. Amanda came along with me. Accompanied her to get her bag. There were 2 bags that I really fancied, I seriously had a hard time deciding between those two. One was a harversack while the was a leopard-print shoulder bag. In the end, I got the shoulder bag. But I really regretted not getting the harversack. I'm afraid I won't be using the bag that I bought, again. Oh well. Dinner with Marilyn and Edwin at Century's foodcourt.
Walked around with her at the two malls. Bumped into Sam at Puma. He pyscho-ed me to get something from his workplace. So after all the arguements, I decided on a black Puma hoodie which I really like. He gave me a discount. Haha! Thanks Sam. Off to search for Marilyn's heels. She settled down with a plain black heels from Mondo. Over to The Face Shop where I got 3 different nail polish colours, while she got 5. Edwin's darn vain I swear, he made me laugh non-stop. Home sweet home.
Just finished webcam-ing with Baby! He's super moody today, I think he's having his 'time of the month'. Haha, joke. He ignored me for the stupid Counter Strike. Ass Baby. Haha. Alright, Im'ma sleep now before I skip lessons again tomorrow. Nights ya'll.

Baby thinks he's a DJ.

Tags Reply
Hogan: BABY! i'm here! ha. loves
Me: Baby! I miss you a gazillion! I love you. (L)
Me: Baby! I miss you a gazillion! I love you. (L)
Isabella: I miss you too baby!!! see ya soon. spammer, just fcuking fcuk off from here. cb, nothing better to do ah?
Me: Heheh, yea yea! Thanks Baby girl. I love you! (L)
passer-by: hmm mine tellin me wad version of ur msn r u usin ? thanks (:
Me: It just states 'Windows Live Messenger' if I'm not wrong.
♥: Hello, I'm sort of curious you're frm which Secondary School?
Me: Temasek Secondary.
Joleen: Darl Relink me :D
Me: Relinked you, Darl!
Passerby: you look nice in the 3rd msn pic. your hand looks quite fat but, chuuby. haha:D
Me: Lol, I was like super unglam. Haha. Maybe that's cause my hand was super close to the webcam.
Peter: lol.. i passer by..
Me: I see. (:
Me: Holiday with his family.
ROWENA: passerby you dont so kpo can anot . so irritating . hi reg , miss you manzx .
Me: Lol! Chill man. Hi Row, I miss you too! :D
Passerbyyyyy(: Hey did you go to Tampinese Mall yesterday?
Me: You mean on the 13th? If so, yes.
In My Heart, There's Only Space For You.
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