Cheryl came over to my place after school. Chilled at my place and waited for Rowena to come over. Over to EastPoint with Rowena while Cheryl went home. Waited for Baby to come. Off for some grocery shopping at NTUC with the both of them. Got all my barbeque stuff and went back home to put them down. Walked back over to EastPoint's KFC to meet Marilyn, Edwin, Jianhao and Yongkim. The guys then wanted to play basketball, so we went over to the sheltered basketball court near my house. Dinner at Kobayashi with Baby, Marilyn and Rowena.
31th October 2008
Happy Halloween everyone!
Thought of going to school at 8.30, but I was already late. So I slept in til slightly after 12. Ended up not going for lessons. Bathed, changed and got ready. Waited for Baby, Cheryl and Jessica to come over to my place to help me carry some stuff to the chalet. Before that, Daddy drove us to collect the Satay/Otah, Curry/Beehoon from Tanjong Katong and Charmaine's place respectively. Settled down and packed everything. One by one, they started coming to my chalet. Barbeque only started at bout 6. Thanks to those who came down. (L) Slept only at 7plus in the morning.

My baby, my life. (L)
Day 2. Woke up at 2plus. The feeling's wonderful when the first thing you see when you open your eyes is that special someone. Bathed and changed, over to E!Hub with Baby, Amelia and Fadzly. A few rounds of Pool and back to the chalet. Waited for my family to come with the rest of the food. Started barbeque slightly after 6. Relatives and some of my friends came.
There was this Halloween event happening at Costasands, where they hire humans to dress up as ghosts/monsters and walk around the whole chalet. I swear I've never been so afraid in my whole entire life before. I was taking pictures when Marilyn asked me to take a video instead. So, I quickly changed the mode and just when I press the 'record' button, this idiotic monster jumped right infront of my camera! I freaking screamed like I really saw a ghost. Superbly loud, I swear. I was so afraid that I screamed, ran and hid behind Sandrina. I started tearing. I really got a shock. Stupid monster. And my brother could even still laugh at me. Moron. Okay, whatever.
A pot of Mahjong with Baby, Marilyn and Edwin after the adults left. I only won a freaking round, don't know what's happening to my luck. Luckily, we didn't play for cash in the end. Over to Macdonald's with Baby, Marilyn, Edwin, Wenhao and his girlfriend. Super high, thanks to Edwin. Went back to the chalet, something happened. Won't mention bout it, but I finally got to sleep at almost 6 in the morning.
Left: Gordon, Randall.
Right: Fadzly.
Right: What will we do without our domestic helpers, Rosa & Lisa?
Left: Regnana.
Right: Sandnana.
Left: My devil baby.
Right: Marilyn's baby, Edwin.
I swore these stupid 'things' scared the living shit outta me.
My beloved Kitty cake! Thanks Brother and Pipi. (L)
Left: Cousins.
Right: Friends.
Left: Pipi.
Right: Sandrina Ling.
Right: Xueling.
Left: Jessica Dearest.
Right: Iris Cupcake.
Left: Edwin & Marilyn.
Right: Rowena & Angela.
Left: Ah Jie.
Right: My awesome brother.
Left: Edwin & Baby. Don't you think they look quite alike?
Right: Weiting.
Left: Zhixiong.

Left: Gamblers - Baby, Fadzly, Cleomine & Ruth.
Right: Me, Reign, Jessica & Sufen.
2 November 2008
Something more tragic happened in the morning. Won't elaborate. Spoiler. Daddy came to fetch me home. Slept all the way til 9plus at night. No dinner, no nothing. So Pipi, brother and I had my birthday cake and a cup of Milo for dinner. How pathetic.
3 November 2008
Was half an hour late for Biz Com. I didn't know that I was supposed to do my PowerPoint presentation today. So, I've to do it on Friday instead. Went to class for only a pathetic half an hour and it was break time. Caught a lil of the basketball tournament that was happening in school and was late slightly for Accounting lessons.
Was dismissed early again. Over to Tampines Mall with Cheryl, Jessica and Jingwen. Was craving for some ice-cream, so Häagen-Dazs it was. It's been a long time since I last had it. Walked over to Century's foodcourt as Cheryl and Jingwen felt like having some food. Went back to Tampines Mall to get Baby's and my keychain. Spent quite a bit on both of the keychains, but it's worth it. I love it a lot, hope that Baby likes it too. Home sweet home by 5.
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