I swear I friggin' love Baby to the core! I don't know why I'm saying this, but oh well. Just some random thoughts. Suddenly I'm super afraid that Baby'll leave me one day. I know I sound like those ALs who would go "Baby, don't leave me please! I love you a lot to ever let you go." kinda stuff. But I'm saying it real sincerely. It's from the bottom of my heart. Though it's only been a short span of 17 days, the love for you is irreplaceable. I've never felt more comfortable with anyone else before. And I can definitely prove that. I'm willing to sacrifice things just for Baby. Sacrifices are nothing, as long as he's happy. He's the best thing I could ever ask for. (Inserts hearts)
I finally managed to attend an 8am lesson! Lessons were real slack today. School ended at 1.15pm. Trained over to Clementi to meet Baby and accompanied him home to change. Took a long bus ride down to Clark Quey. Met Kai & co. Rotted there til 9. Went in Attica for bout prolly 20 minutes and came back out to accompany Baby. Left at 9.30 and Baby sent me home. And my Ez-link got confiscated because of some reason. Freak. That silly boy, always trying means and ways to make me smile. That's why I love him. Oh, we managed to memorize the whole entire Green Line on the train too! Haha! Nights.
P/S: I'm using HaloScan from now onwards, continue with the tags peeps!
My Love, My Life, My Everything.
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