Tags Reply
Joanna: Hey love! Takecare of yourself. I hereby wish you a early happy birthday okay? (L) you! <3 color="#000000">Hey darling! Thank you! Xoxo. (L)
robin: happy birthday~!!
Me: Thanks! (:
mari:): happy 17th birthday:) Hope that your chalet will turn out fantastic and may whatever you wish for come true
Me: Thanks, Mari! :D
Cheryl: I cant wait for ur chalet, for the mahjong session. wees! lol
Me: Lol. Play enough at my chalet not!? Haha!
Passer.: You look pretty & sweet. =)
Me: Thanks. (:
ken: erm, i recognise u by ur height n size.. HAHAHAHAHAAAA.. =x Ur face kinda difficult to recognise lay
Me: Whatever luh you. Hahah.
zzz: happy belated birthday..=)
Me: It's not belated yet, cause it's on the 6th. But thanks neway! :D
Unknown: Happy advance birthday (:
Me: Thank you! (:
mabel: sweetheart! 4 more days to ur bday =D happy bday in advance and of cos i miss you =D
Me: Sweetheart! Yea! Hehe. Thank you! I miss you too, meet up soon alright? (L)
♥: Hello Regina! Happy Birthdayy! Stay Preety Always ;D
Me: Hey there! Thank you! :D
Jaee`: Happy belated birthday :)..
Me: It's on the 6th, but thanks. (:
Jess: Hi dearest baby, hope you enjoyed your chalet, I'm sure you do :D Cas I do too !
Me: Dearest dearest! I definitely did. Love you! Xoxo. (L)
Joanna: Cutecute! (L) You link me under red hearts! I'm effing touched! Loveya. <3 color="#000000">Hello Cutecute! Haha. Of course! Love you too darling. (L)
MARILYN: (: hope you enjoy yourself during the chalet. love you cousin!
Me: Yes I did. Thank you Marmar for your company for the past 3 days. I love you! (L)
Hogan: baby, don't get too upset yea.remember the saliva!
Me: Baby! I won't, don't worry too much. Haha, you uh. I love you. Xoxo. (L)
ROWENA: hi ^^ LOL .
Me: Hi, back. Haha.
Cheryl: Regina, hope you enjoyed urself (:
Me: Yes, I did. Thanks Cheryl! :D
MARILYN: LOL! i can see saliva all over reg's face! later grow pimples!
Me: Yea loh! Haha, he thinks that his saliva very powerful. Lol.
Cheryl: you too together already uhs? lopl
Me: Yep. (:
ruth: hogansaliva facial? LOL. please leh!! anw, Love you Regina! <3 color="#000000">Lol! He rubbish one. Love you too Ruth! Don't broad too much bout that matter already kay? (L)
Weiting: Aww. So sweet Reg! Last long with Hogan k! :D Hogan, take good care of her. (:
Me: Weiting! Yea, I will. Thanks! :D Love you! (L)
row(shuffler): NOW NOW REGINA! i bet i'm the last one to know that you and hogan are together aye! hahah cute la you two~ (:
Me: Rowena! No luh! I think there are quite a number out there who still doesn't know bout it. Haha. Thanks babe! When are you coming back!? We miss you! :D
K: hi, happy 4 u 2 find ur luv agian..4get e past, treasure nw..he loks like a guy can b trust...hapi long lastin babe!
Me: Thanks. (:
(:: Hahas, what a sweet couple (:
Me: Thank you. :D
Me: Lol, whatever lah Ange! Haha.
row(your cousin): HAHAH SO CUTE SIAH GOT DOUBLE ROWWW :D ok i just had to be lame .
Me: Uh huh, understood.
fad: regina and hogan sitting on a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G! haha :D
Me: Fadzly! Uh uh, wanna start uh. Don't make me disturb you ah! Hahah! :P
rowee: anyways regina, wish u all the best with hogan. u two really look superb together (:
Me: Thanks darling. (: Come back soon alright! We'll be waiting for you!
Isabella: LAST LONG BABY. see you on friday
Me: Thanks Baby, we will. Love you! Xoxo. (L)
Cheryl: last long long kayy (: lovelove
Me: We will, thanks my dear. (L)
;D: Last long with Hogan. You two makes a cute couple. (:
Me: Definitely. (: Thanks a bunch.
passer: is that photo ho gan kissing you?
Me: Yes, and why?
MARILYN: LOL. reg's blog become hogan replying everyone!
Me: Yea luh! He thinks it's his tagboard now. Haha!
Me: You can insult me for all I care, but don't ever insult Hogan! If he's fat, you're obese. If he's ugly, you look like a dinosaur. He's perfect in my eyes, so why do you care?
Weiting: Haha. Ya. What is Reg's is Hogan's liao. XD So hogan can reply tags!
Me: Hahah! Yea luh, he uh. (:

Baby, you're a part of me now.
I love you. (L)
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