Happy 18th Birthday, Marilyn! ♥
Finally, BFD's Role Play is over! Something less off my shoulders. Mr Wong said that we'll most probably get an A for it. Woohoo. Let's hope it helps to pull up my grades for BFD, because my theory part sucks to the max. Headed to the Dance Studio before our Role Play. It's love baybeh. Anyway, went over to Tampines with Amanda to meet Sandrina. Walked around, and left quite soon. Back at Simei, I saw Clement again. Went home, changed bag and off I went to Downtown East with Daddy for Marilyn's chalet. Had tons of fun there. Edwin, Xiaohao, Waikiat, Yongkim, Marcus, Lenis, Gan, Chester, Clarence came down too. Something really pissed me off just now, shan't say much about it though. Many others were there. My brother came to fetch us home at 11plus. Home sweet home. I might be going back down to accompany the beloved birthday girl. Aren't I the best? Grins. I shall have a short lil nap first, sweet dreams everyone! And Marilyn, I love you!
And suddenly, I feel insignificant to you.

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Zzz: after reading yr blog...i thk u too concerns abt your daily life...take care!
Me: Maybe I am. Thanks. (:
Jasmond: cheerup
Me: I will.
Sam: =) smile (=
Me: Thanks D. (:
passby: of cos i hav problem wid it.. fatass.. u are short and fat and looks like a MEATBALL..
Me: Then I've only one thing to say, get you freaking eyes outta my blog. If you really hate my face, why do you still come to look at it? It proves your stupidity. :D
passby two: shut the hell up.. ppl cai know.. SHHHHH!
Me: You're just plain jealous. (:
Cheryl: (: kays clasmate xD
Me: Thanks Cheryl!
Isabella: What's the bloody problem with you spammers? Before you guys ever say regina, take a good look at yourself in the mirror first.and please dont puke after that. whats the use of spamming her blog, when you put unknow names ? You expect ask to know or guess ?Regina is not a 3 years old kid, she dont have the time to play all this game. So what if she's fat, skinny, ugly or pretty? Its totally none of your business sibo ?! jUST FCUK OFF FROM HERE LA,you think she's so free to entertain you morons?
Me: Thanks a bunch, Baby. I love you. And morons, would always remain as morons. :D
O_o: wth 52 sit-ups in 1mins....u r the MAN!
Me: Laughs.
x: you're pretty, ignore the brainless spammers [:
Me: Thank you. Don't worry, I won't even bother.
moron 1: Hello!! I am moron 1 and you are moron 2. HAHA. Take that Isabella.
Me: I think you're retarded, period.
clayton: hello!=) you wanna come my house tonight? i will make you happy..... you got a nice,hot,puffy body
Me: I've a better suggestion. Why don't you go to Geylang instead?
Girl: Your chubby-ness make you look vv adorable :) Stay pretty!
Me: Thank you very much. :D
mabel: love u sweetheart
Me: I love you too, Sweetheart! Misses.
Zzz: I give a Spam! Cheers!!
Me: Madness.
Oh my god ! You are so CUTE
Lol! You could even be bothered to read my archives?! Thanks anyway! :)
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