Went over to Tampines to meet Isabella. We were supposed to meet at 10.30am, but being the rubber queens, we only managed to meet each other slightly after 11. Had Yoshinoya for breakfast/lunch. Did piercing for some girl and C came to meet us. Trained over to Bugis after that. Shopping with Baby. Got myself a dress, a pair of shorts and a red tube. Accompanied Baby to get her camera repaired. We had to walk quite a distance under the scorching sun. Baby went over to Parkway while we went to Cineleisure and caught 'Money No Enough 2'. The movie was seriously worth it. It made me laugh like some crazy girl in the theatre, at the same time it also made me cry like there's gonna be no tomorrow. I wouldn't mind catching it a second time, anyone? Had Pastamania's baked rice for dinner and home sweet home. Had an enjoyable time with my beloved Babygirl, because it's been so darn effin long since I last saw her. And I love her like heaven! (L)

Today sucked big time. I won't mention what happened, only certain people know. But on the other hand, our NCT cohort came back together once again. Met Miss Hazel, Mr don't-know-who, Hana, Emi and Johannes at Cafe 1 at 8.30 to discuss the games that we were gonna be holding. Got our butts outside the Auditorium to set everything up and we only finished at 11.15am. Had a short lunch break and went back up. It's quite difficult to handle a group of 100 people, some just wouldn't listen. But luckily, everything came out according to plan. Had a fun time though I think I lost a lil of my voice now. Thanks to everyone who came to our NCT gathering. Had a talk by 3 of the lecturers and followed by a little buffet for all of us. Hana, Emi, Iqbal, Johannes and I went to clear the stuff on the floor and went our seperate ways. Ended school at 5. Daddy came to fetch me cause it was raining. I shall have my dinner now. Cheerios.
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Passerby: Where did you get your red gucci lanyard? I went to ask at taka & it's out of stocks.
Me: It's from Paragon's Gucci.
paser: wish post ;D
Me: ?
Anon: I think ur photoshop skill really kns. bloat ur eyes until like f.u.c.k. n ur fringe is ugly. u ugly enough. add that fringe is like a pork bun.
Me: Whatever rocks your boat man. I don't live for you. (:
anonymous: poser much? -_-
Me: Yea, and I bet you're one too. :D
Passer: Wow(: oyou look really cute ehhhhhx(:
Me: Hahah, thanks. (:
Passerbyyyyy {:: Heyooo ! Can You Tell Me What Front Did YOu Use For "rEGINA" ? iTS rEALLY nICE.
Me: It's 'Brush Script Std'.
Tingting: i saw you today at bugis . i just pass by your blog ;D you are pretty (;
Me: Hey. Thank you! :D
Isabella - Anon: Not happy with regina, come out talk. dont come her kbkp.
Me: Laughs. Thanks Baby. And I love you! Mwah.
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