Got myself real tanned today, and I swear Volleyball's the sex yo! Im'ma go Sentosa whenever someone's willing to play Volleyball with me, though my hands are bruised because of the hard ball. Laughs. Anyway, met up with Katherine, Terry, Ashley, Sam, Kerner, Finn, Yap, Sora, Vin, Mark and Dennis. Ashley! Volleyball rocks our socks right? Lol.
It rained cats and dogs while we were playing Volleyball. My classmates were all going bonkers, they freaking played Volleyball in the rain and did tons of ridiculous stuff. But everything they did, made me laugh real hard. Had Macs for lunch with Katherine, Sam, Yap and Sora. Talked cock and slacked. Took some pictures outside Vivo and we all went our seperate ways.
I trained down to Tampines to meet my family to have dinner at Soup Restaurant with them. Home sweet home. And I swear my parents are super acting like they're damn young. My brother's also a future kopitiam boy who goes 'Kopi-C ko song zi puey!' Laughs.
I seriously enjoyed myself today. Sentosa again, anyone? But I've to wait til my sunburn goes off, because it's freaking red now.

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louis: walau didnt find me at marina square
Me: Laughs. I didn't even go to Marina Square please. Last minute cancelled.
Me: Laughs. I didn't even go to Marina Square please. Last minute cancelled.
mabel: sweetheart do visit my shop =D
Me: I will, I will! :D
Me: I will, I will! :D
Ruoping: your new haircut, NICE!! (:
Me: Thank you Ruoping! I hope I don't look too ah-toot in it. Laughs.
paser: where you bought ur fake gucci hp strap ?
Me: Maybe I bought the 'fake' Gucci handphone strap at Paragon? It's a gift anyway. (: Take a look at my post for evidence yea?
Char: HAHA YOU GOT BANNGGSSS!!wanted to ask you go funfair today but you went sentosa!
Me: Laughs! It's actually not really bangs, is more to the side. :D Oh, I see. Sorry darling. And I miss you.
Char: anyway aftermath not equals to afterwards.
Me: Fine, forgive me.
Me: Fine, forgive me.
Me: Hahah! Not bangs, not bangs! :D
Isabella: And seriously baby, i dont understand lor, people say things behind ur back, still be with that person,lucky not say me lor
Me: Haiyo, it's alright lah Baby. I know you love and dote on me the most horhorhor! :p
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