Went over to Simei for Long John's to celebrate Kerner's birthday. Tampines right after school with Jingwen and Nadila. Got myself two HelloKitty files, 2 HelloKitty pens and a storybook 'Do Not Disturb' by Tilly Bagshawe. Here's the summary of it.
'Honor Palmer has always been a fighter - for her father's love, for her inheritance, but most of all for control of Palmers hotel. After decades of neglect, Honor is determined to restore its reputation, its glitz and its guestlist. Standing in her way is Lucas Ruiz. No stranger to struggle, he has worked his way up from hotel laundries to manager of the hottest new hotel in Europe - and now he wants to open a 'super hotel' - right on Palmers' doorstep. Blackmail, adultery and the dirtiest of tricks...both Honor and Lucas will do anything to suceed.'
Thanks Jingwen for today.
Trained back to Simei at 5. Met Fadhali, Aqeel, Clement, Angela, Venice and company at Starbucks. Slacked with them for a lil while. Luqman then came over for a fwe minutes. They never fail to put a smile on my face no matter how devasted I am. And I'd seriously like to thank them for that. Saw Aaron. Walked back home at 6plus.
Got changed and trained back to Tampines to meet Marilyn. Had dinner with her and Craig at Yoshinoya. But before that, we went to the arcade. It seems to be Marilyn's all-time-favourite place now eversince the renovation. Edwin, Marcus and Gan then came over to meet us. Slacked with them, and headed back to Simei. Oh, I did something bad. I forgot that I had to buy Daddy's dinner. He only had his dinner slightly before 10. I'm sorry Daddy! (L)
I loathe you guys.
Quantity doesn't mean quality.
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baObaO: if i know you can i judge you ? hahaa . sis is PRETTY (:
Me: Of course you can! Nah, you're the pretty one Sis. Love you!
:D: are you always so happy everyday?'cause you look so happy in your photos.
Me: Don't judge a book by it's cover. But yes, Im'ma make myself happy everyday regardless of whatever happens. Because I won't let others bring me down.
Just passing by(:: i see, is this your normal length? as in last time also this length?
Me: Nope, this is the shortest I've ever cut.
mari:): Dear, you seem so emo these few days...Are you okay? If you need someone to talk to, just add me on msn ? I realised that we have not even exchanged handphone numbers before even though we are from Jan intake...Sms me if u need me or jingwen k....We will be here for you no matter what:) Hugs and kisses from me and Jingwen:) Lol...Pls do message me your number if you are free:) I am here to reply your sms-es 24/7....No promises but I will try my best:)
Me: Thank you, Mari. (: That's very sweet of you.
jingwen`: girl, throw all the crapp behind, continue smiling. shall go shopping next time. let's shop till we dropp yepps~ ^^
Me: Thanks Jingwen. And thank you for today too. :D
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