I almost got my hair dyed! Thanks to Mummy for giving me false hope. Got real pissed off. Forget it. Anyway, I had lunch at Simpang with Mummy, Aunty and Uncle. They sent me home after lunch.
Got changed and prepared. Left my house about close to 5. Met Randall, Craig and Silvien at Plaza Singapura. Saw Shanice, Sheryl and Marcus at Dhoby Ghaut. Slacked with them for a lil while and trained back to Pasir Ris to meet Weiting and Iris at 5.45pm.
Bused over to Babygirl's barbeque venue. Slacked around with Weiting, Iris, Boyster and another girl. Had fun with them. Took a gazillion and one photos. Left there slightly after 10. Weiting and Iris accompanied me back to Pasir Ris Interchange. Weiting and I then took bus 5 home. Chatted quite a lil. And Weiting, take good care of your ears yea. See a doctor soon uh!
Overall I've enjoyed my day with these 2 babes, and not forgetting my beloved Baby! (L)
A special dedication to, Tan Tina Isabella:
Happy 17th Birthday, Babygirl! (L) Hope you enjoyed your party yea? Thanks for always being there for you when I needed you. No words can express how much I love you. I feel really blessed to know you. You doted on me the most, and I really am very touched. Though we seldom meet, deep down I still know that you're the person I really treasure. We never had an arguement before, this shows how our bond is between us. Sorry for not being able to get you a present today. I promise, Im'ma surprise you one day. And also, good luck for your upcoming 'O's! I wanna see you in the Poly alright. Happy birthday once again, Baby. May all your wishes and dreams be fulfilled. Remember this, no matter what I'll always be here for you. And that's a promise. I'm supposed to see you and Taijun get married okay! I love you, til eternity! (L)
Weiting, Boyster & Iris.
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