This will be my last post for year 2008! Thanks for the sweet and not-so-sweet memories!
Alrighty, I'm having a celebration at my place now! Shall blog next year! (It sounds like it's gonna be a long time, but actually it's only tomorrow.) Heehee.
Goodbye 2008!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Baking Day
Cousins and Isabella are at my place baking now. I shall take this opportunity when they're all busy to blog.
It's dammit hot in my kitchen. Bella's doing a different type of cupcakes from us. We're making cupcakes for tomorrow's celebration at my place and we started everything from scratch! (Grins) I'm perspiring like crazy, but it's worth it. We failed the first batch, and the we're baking the second batch now. Let's hope this batch doesn't screw up.
Will going over to Katong with Bella for Katong Laksa later. Cousins are going their different ways for dinner. They'll prolly be gathering back at my place later tonight to stayover.
Oh, and I finally realised we're coming to the end of year 2008! Yeah, I know I'm slow. But this year passed really quickly. I remember in January, I was assigned to a new school, a totally different environment. I had to adapt with my surroundings and also with my new friends. But soon, we all fit in. For me, year 2008 was a terrible one. Many unexpected things happened to me, but I'm lucky I overcame it all. On the other hand, I found my one and only true love, And I'm thankful for that.
Alright, they're about done so I have to go. Shall upload some pictures later/tomorrow! Cheers!
It's dammit hot in my kitchen. Bella's doing a different type of cupcakes from us. We're making cupcakes for tomorrow's celebration at my place and we started everything from scratch! (Grins) I'm perspiring like crazy, but it's worth it. We failed the first batch, and the we're baking the second batch now. Let's hope this batch doesn't screw up.
Will going over to Katong with Bella for Katong Laksa later. Cousins are going their different ways for dinner. They'll prolly be gathering back at my place later tonight to stayover.
Oh, and I finally realised we're coming to the end of year 2008! Yeah, I know I'm slow. But this year passed really quickly. I remember in January, I was assigned to a new school, a totally different environment. I had to adapt with my surroundings and also with my new friends. But soon, we all fit in. For me, year 2008 was a terrible one. Many unexpected things happened to me, but I'm lucky I overcame it all. On the other hand, I found my one and only true love, And I'm thankful for that.
Alright, they're about done so I have to go. Shall upload some pictures later/tomorrow! Cheers!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Shopping With Baby
It was a last minute plan to meet Baby at Town. I think Daddy's getting a lil senile, he suddenly asked me what time I was going to work when I did not even tell him anything at all. Lmao.
Did some shopping around Town. From FarEast to Wisma, from Wisma to Heerens and from Heerens to Cineleisure. Kinda getting bored from these few places. I'm trying to think of fun places, but not a single place seems to be appearing in my mind. Any suggestions anyone? But of course, I'll still stick with shopping every now and then. That's what the majority of girls adore ey? So I got myself a pair of black shorts and a dress(which prolly is a top for most girls, due to my short body).
I think I've an evil boyfriend. He kept laughing at me when dresses get too long for me. Thanks boyfriend. I went into this shop at FarEast thinking that I could get the top I wanted previously, but no. It was already sold out! Freak. It always happens to me, why why why! On a happier note, I saved some money.
Charmaine, Isabella and Rowena's coming to my place for some baking session tomorrow. Let's hope we won't make a mess out of the cookies. Shall blog again tomorrow. Cheers!
Love Makes The World Go Round.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Bedtime Stories

Mummy woke me up this morning telling me that we were going over to Angela's place(Sengkang) for some carnival which they're having there. Lunched at Tampines Round Market first before heading over. Weiwei called me up while I was in the car to ask me bout my course, gave him a lil of my opinion cause that was what he wanted. It's been darn long since we had a chat like this.
Chatted with Clarence while waiting for Angela and Charmaine. It has also been quite sometime since we last chatted. Played that big ball thingy with Claire and Angela played with Charmaine. It was so damn bloody hot inside, we could've died from suffocation. Plus it was a lil wet inside too. Eww. So anyway, we paid like 9bucks for 5 minutes, how pathetic. Anyway it was Uncle Benny who paid for it, so thank you Uncle Benny! We were so tired and bored that we decided to sleep for a few pathetic minutes. Imagine 4 people sleeping on a super single sized bed. Got up at 6 and cabbed down with Charmaine to E!hub. Angela couldn't come along with us though.
Met Rowena there. Got some sushi from NTUC and went to get the tickets for 'Bedtime Stories'. The movie was awesome. It was those average fairy tale movies once again, but I like it. Met Matthias and off we went to New York New York for dinner. I'm super duper bloated now. I think I'm not gonna eat anything tomorrow. I felt like vomitting just now. But the mudpie was fantastic! Couldn't finish it though. That was how full I was. Took a bus back home after dinner and realised that I didn't bring my Ez-Link along with me. It's not the first time, I'm very forgetful.
Oh, when I was having my dinner, I rang my brother up to check whether he was home cause I thought that my parents would be back already and I had no keys. The suddenly when I just alighted at my bus stop, he called to ask where I was. How sweet was that, he was worried bout me. Haha! Brother, don't blush if you happen to be browsing through my blog. Maybe it's because he felt guilty for waking me up at 5am this morning to open the gate for him, which doesn't really bother me. Because I just went back to sleep after opening it. Alright, bedtime! I wanna hear bedtime stories, anyone?
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Sentosa (Baby's Birthday)

Sentosa today with my birthday Babyboy, Angela, Edwin, Marilyn, Rowena and Shawn. Volley-ed, tanned and swam as usual. Got changed and met Charmaine at Vivo. Our initial plan was to dine at Marché, but it was too crowded. So, we settled for Carl's Junior instead. We packed our food and went to the sky garden to have dinner. Aren't we romantic? Haha! Seriously, just sitting on the grass, chatting, eating and looking at the sky is simply beautiful. I wouldn't mind doing it everyday. Surprised Baby with a cake, and I'm glad my plan went according. Edwin got each of us this delicious biscuit from Marks & Spencers! Thanks Edwin! Trained home.
Lastly, I wanna wish my Babyboy and happy sweet 18th one last time. I hope you're elated with this little arrangement I got for you. Of course, I owe it all to my beloved Cousins. Without them, we wouldn't have such a great time today. Though it's just something simple, but the most important thing is that we really had fun and enjoyed ourselves. I love you Baby! (Inserts kisses) Many loves to Baby and Cousins! (L)(L)(L)
P/S: I've more pictures, I'll upload them when I recieve it.
Happy 18th Birthday, Baby!
Happy Sweet 18th Birthday, Baby! (L)
Now you're officially 18, but you're still that lil boy in my heart. Hiakhiak. I hope you'll enjoy your day later with us alright. I'll try my very best to make your 18th birthday the best. I remember the very first day how we meet. You made a very deep impression in me, but I didn't even catch your eyes. I guess some miricle happened, and you started to fall for me. I said I might not be good enough for you, but you said otherwise. I hope we'll continue this lovely journey til eternity. And each time when I say I love you, I really do. I love you, Hogan CJL. Once again, Happy Birthday Baby! (Inserts a gazillion hugs and kisses)
Now you're officially 18, but you're still that lil boy in my heart. Hiakhiak. I hope you'll enjoy your day later with us alright. I'll try my very best to make your 18th birthday the best. I remember the very first day how we meet. You made a very deep impression in me, but I didn't even catch your eyes. I guess some miricle happened, and you started to fall for me. I said I might not be good enough for you, but you said otherwise. I hope we'll continue this lovely journey til eternity. And each time when I say I love you, I really do. I love you, Hogan CJL. Once again, Happy Birthday Baby! (Inserts a gazillion hugs and kisses)
Friday, December 26, 2008
Boring Day
Finally, I've the time to upload for each single day! Deepest apologies for neglecting my blog. I've been very busy these few days cause of Christmas. And there are more events coming up! Baby's birthday, New Year's Day, Chinese New Year etc. Gees. I spent my whole day using my lappy, mapling/blogging. Anyway, I realised that my comments are becoming lesser and lesser eversince I switched to HaloScan. C'mon! Don't stop the love peeps. And I've put back my Cbox just for those who hate HaloScan, be glad. Haha. But please still continue tagging at my HaloScan, please! Thanks a gazillion. Alright, Sentosa again tomorrow! An hour more to Baby's birthday.
I'll be here.
I'll be here.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Day!

(P/S: I luvvvvvv this picture!)
Headed over to Godma Catherine's place for lunch. Mee Siam, Macaroni, Spaghetti, simply superb. We all then went to Charmaine's after lunch. Chilled there, played Taboo. I think that game's totally awesome! I know I made a blunder out of myself playing that game, but that's what made everyone laugh right! Had Yong Tau Fu and Lontong for dinner. Left Charmaine's for Town at about 8. We actually took quite a number of pictures, but some of them somehow disappeared from her camera. And those pictures were really nice. Shucks. Pictures coming right up!

Ho ho ho!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve Pyjamas Party!

The Christmas Eve's Pyjamas Party at Angela's was awesome! Fun & games. Shall let the photos do the talking, you'll then see how much fun we had. Be envious. (Grins) Here's also a hilarious video Angela made. Enjoy!
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