Anyway, I think I ate too much just now. When I smell food now, I feel like puking. Shiat. Toodles.
Gees, I freaking lost 20bucks because I tio-bao. I accidentally gamed when I couldn't. Shit. I had to pay the three of them $6.40 each. Just my luck! Dumb me. I swear not to play Mahjong for the rest for the month. Sheesh. This sucks, big time.
Anyway on a happier note, my Brother got me a job to give out fliers at East Coast Park this Saturday and Sunday. I'll be paid $80 for 5 hours for each day. Fawesome! Woo, 160 bucks! I luv my Bro man. Lmao.

P/S: I miss Baby very much. It's been 3 days since I last saw him. Xoxo.
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