It's 8.30pm now! Off your lights in your houses everyone! It's Earth Hour! Let's do our part to save the earth just for an hour. My lights are all off except for my lappy which is on.
Anyway, I came straight home after work and had fries for dinner. So pathetic, I know. I shall go drink my mushroom soup now. Buhbye!

So the one hour without lights was nothing to me, except for the part where I couldn't find my stuff. It took me like 5 minutes to dig out food from the cupboard. Torturing I tell you. Anyway, those blocks opposite mine didn't play their part! Evil. Can't they like just off their lights for one hour? Global warming know. I sound like I'm from NEA. Sheesh.
After the one hour of saving the Earth, as I was watching television, I saw this lizard climbing up the wall near the fake flowers. Freaking shiat. I asked Daddy to kill it. He didn't want to in the beginning, he said he don't wanna take lives, so poorthing. Yeah right. But in the end, he got forced by me to kill it. I'm evil. Muahaha. During the whole process, I was perspiring like don't-know-what. I had to pull the big flower pot, near the television, away from the lizard in order for Daddy to hit it. I was super scared. I managed to pull it away after 5 minutes of screaming. And once I did, I ran and jumped on my sofa set. Haha, loser I know. It died! Yessah.
I still remembered this incident which happened a few years back when I was still staying at Siglap. I was pouring my Oreo ceral into my Power Puff Girls bowl when suddenly, a lizard jumped onto my bowl then to my hand and finally to the floor. I screamed damn loudly, dropped the bowl and ran to my living room's sofa. Oh my gawd. How embarrassing. Damn you, lizard! I hate lizards! They're horrible creatures though they help to eat mosquitoes. But lizards can make a person deaf if its tail goes into the ear of someone. How freaky.
Enough of grandmother stories. Baby is having a really bad headache. It's a headache he'll get monthly, and it's super painful. So, I drew a few pictures on messenger for him. Laugh all you want. I'm not an artist.

My webcam was not functioning again just now. But I'm glad it is now. Oh! And I've also got myself a tank dress from TopShop just now during my break. Hehehe. Ciao.
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