Heyo! Quite a busy day today. Was out by 1230 to Bedok with Daddy. Had lunch and went for my dental appointment. Was in this room with the dentist and his assistant for prolly half an hour and bam! $132! Gawd! I've never knewn it'd be so costly. Got scolded by Mummy when she came back. Luckily it lasted for only 5 minutes. It wasn't my fault, really. How would we know that it'll go up til that price? It's like daylight robbery. But now, Regina has white teeth! (Grins widely)
Trained back to Simei and accompanied Daddy to FairPrice. Got our stuff and headed home. Guess what I got myself. Timtam chocolates(my brother's so gonna finish the two packets), KinderJoy and my Kleenex tissue pack in Disney characters. That pack of tissue's super handy, and the design's super adorable.
KinderJoy! I've always been a fan of Kinder Surprise since I was a lil girl. But they stopped manufacturing them a few years back and couldn't be found anywhere in Singapore. So I switched to Kinder Bueno, which is currently my favourite chocolate. The excitement in Kinder Surprise was wondering what toy we'd get each time. And of course, being kids we'd certainly like to collect all of em'.
Guess what's this? It's actually a fish toy! Lmao. Now I've this orange fishy occupying a tiny place on my table. I think that Kinder Surprise's toys are much nicer than KinderJoy and also the chocolate part. I miss the whole chocolate egg thingy which you can bite off. Oh man.
Rotted at home til 5 before meeting Marilyn at Tampines. Went for our facial which lasted for an hour or so. Did my eyebrow shaping too, it hurt so much that I teared. I've never ever teared when doing that so many times before. This is my first. Marilyn was super poorthing, her whole face was red after the facial as though she applied the entire box of her blusher on her face. Why? Because they squeezed all her pimples out to make it less visible. Like ke funny only.
I still prefer Jean Yip though. Their facial treatment's fabulous! I've been there a couple of times and I enjoy each treatment! Shall ask Mummy to bring me there again soon.
The place was really well decorated.
Rushed back home after everything was done because I promised my brother to cook Mushroom Spaghetti for him and myself. Yeah, it's my first time. It took me quite awhile, but it was a real successful one. Bro finished the entire plate of it, it was shaped like a mountain I tell you.
Alright, I'm waiting for Baby to reach back home now. Didn't wanna go out today, so I couldn't meet him. I'm sorry luv. So he went for lan gaming session again with Fadzly and the rest of the gang. I suddenly remembered that I need to bring all my jeans, including my Levi's one which I haven't worn for about a year, for alteration! I've been wanting to do so for the longest time! Gees.