P/S: I miss my long(er) fringe and I luv this peeky!
Guess my entry post's title.
Anyway, I'm stuck with a very bad (entry post's title). This sucks. Seldom do I get it, but when it comes, it hurts like crap! Damn.
Baby went to Johor yesterday with his Mummy and Sister. Guessed he enjoyed himself tasting food the entire day, while I was stuck at home rotting.
Met him today after school at Bedok as he wanted to buy lottery from there. He heard many people striked big from the Bedok outlet(s). Sheesh. He's behaving like some old ah-pek these few days. Cannot stand him. Lol. So we went for Fish & Co Express at Downtown East again as I was craving for it since I-don't-know-when. I wouldn't mind having it every single day! Hee. Homed.
Tomorrow's gonna be a packed day. Going to Baby's and then Jurong Point to settle my bill after school and then back to school for training. Might even go to Teo Heng for K with Charmaine and Marilyn and then to Charmaine's for overnight Mahjong again.
Friday's Labour Day! We'll all be at Charmaine's. No school, no work, no nothing! Whoop! And and, I can't wait for my Genting trip with my entire family(17 pax) on the 15th to 17th of May! It's gonna be so so so fun! And of course, I'll definitely miss my Baby very dearly.
In conclusion, I might not be able to blog for the next few days unless I've time to do so.
Okay, my head's spinning again. Nights ya'll!
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