I just luvvv the picture on top! I don't know why either! Lol. So my title explains everything, shopping! I left in the morning to Baby's first.
Had lunch there, porridge with loads of ingredients cooked by his Dad of course. It's actually more of canned food today, as his parents and sister were out to pray and that leaves us with his brother and grandma. But I don't know why I ate so much! I usually hate white porridge with ingredients. I luved the fatty fatty pork and especially the egg! Super salty, I might get kidney problem cause I luv eating salted stuff. Hee.
Got ready and Baby took his own sweet time cause of some reason and we were late to meet Rowena at Bugis. Dorothy Perkins, Topshop and then to Diva. Got Er Jie's(Row's second sister) dress but Row couldn't find her skirt at DP and Topshop there, so we headed down to Town's Wisma Atria instead. Forever 21 and then Topshop. Baby left soon to meet his friends as it was Clay's birthday and they were celebrating it by having Steamboat at Bugis. So he travelled all the way back to Bugis again.
Row and I spent like close to 2 freaking hours there or maybe even more! Gawd. We were trying everything that caught our eyes. I wanted to get this Tunic top stating 'NY' something something which costed $39, but I suddenly remembered that I had ordered a similar one which is totally plain online. So I didn't get it instead. Rowena finally got her denim skirt at $59 bucks! But, luckily she had the 20% discount so she got them for $50.
Walked to FarEast for dinner. Got Baby something he'd always wanted, which I'm not gonna reveal it here because it wouldn't be a surprise for him anymore! He's always spying on my blog. Lol. Baby, heart itchy or not? Had my Tom Yam Ramen while Row had her I-don't-know-what which she says tasted real good. See, my recommendations are great eh! Hehe.
Waited for Charmaine for quite awhile before she finally called back. She was at Plaza Sing having dinner with her friends still. So, me and Row bused back to my place first. So here I am! We're waiting for the two queens to arrive. Yeah, you guessed it! Overnight Mahjong! Whoop! Wish me luck peeps! Some pictures for you to enjoy. Ignore my dumb hair, thanks.
Finally! My lovely biker jacket! Not gonna reveal where I bought them, sorry guys!
This card attracted my eyes at 杂货殿! It's in a very pretty shade of neon pink! So I grabbed one for I-don't-know-what. The pink's much prettier in real life.
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