It was a really bad afternoon for me. Had a super huge tiff with Baby, and I made myself look like a fool. I regretted that it ever happened. It means that both parties have to be more careful in trying to understand what each other are trying to put through. And I'm very very very glad that it's over. I don't wanna torture myself nor Baby either.
Oh, I packed my entire cupboard today! Finally. The difference is freaking hell a lot! I shall show it to you guys when I'm done re-arranging my clothing properly and neatly. I bet ya'll be real shock.
Got changed and Baby fetched me from Aljunied to Clementi, to his Aunt's house. Had dinner and played BlackJack once again. Baby's cousin, Weixiang and his girfriend then dropped me off in a cab at Dhoby Ghaut. They were damn friendly. Haha.
Alright, I'm super tired now. But my Baby's still gambling at his Aunt's place. Let's hope he'll win more more more! Luv.
I'm sorry for what happened this afternoon. We both had faults, I admit it. But I'm thankful that I've you. My answer to your question after I hung up your call is, yes. I'm very satisfied that I'm with you. No regrets bout it. I know you ain't those super romantic guy, but I can feel your love and concern for me. I maybe stubborn at times, but do forgive me. You know my pattern too right? Thanks for giving in to me most of the time, I won't take it for granted. Promise. I'm a girl, what do you expect? Hee. But I'm just thankful that I've you. I luv you. (Kisses)
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