I'm back! Weekends was spent rather fruitfully. Charmaine accompanied me to Bugis. Main intention was to get my school shoes, but sadly they didn't have it in my size and the others weren't nice. Wasted trip there. She joined her friends for dinner at Bugis, while I headed to Town to look for Baby and Reign. Sufen joined us not too long later.
Baby's shirt was supposed to spell 'GANT' and it so happened that the T was blocked out. Like funny only, as though it's his name on his shirt.
Cabbed down to Clark Quay to find the Clique. Finally I got to see them after I-don't-know-how-long.
With Ruth outside Social House.
Went home early because Cousins wanted to play overnight mahjong! They stayed over. Can't believe we played til 6.30 in the morning. And I was the only sole loser. Damn it.
We woke up at 2 later on, as most of our relatives were already at my house. Took a walk at EastPoint and helped Charmaine with her make-up as she had to take a picture for her University card.
I love this picture Rowena took for me! Though I look like I only had half of my life left. Friggin' jealous cause she now owns that Lumix camera I had always wanted! Sad sad sad sad sad. I hate you Row! :(
Using my PradaLuv's front camera, that's why it's so blurified.
Charmaine after her make-over!
Met Baby this morning at EastPoint and then to Tampines for breakfast at Macs.

He gave me another packet of HelloKitty sweets! Fyi, I've another two packets at home but of different flavours. This sweet rockz! Thank you Baby! I love you! :)
I'm super duper tired from the 5 hours of sleep I had yesterday and it's a must to go for Sports & Wellness tomorrow @ 9.30am. I think it's been a month or so since I last went. I'd better go take my attendance before I fail S&W. It'd be sooo retarded. Nights!
P/S: I'm considering if I should leave my fringe or cut it short again.
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