Guess what?! I finally got my haircut today! How's it? I quite like it, though my heart ached when they snipped my longgg hair off. I want some comments!
Oh oh, and I just found out that Singapore's gonna be affected by the eclipse of the sun on the 22nd of July, next Wednesday! Omg, this is when the day becomes night. I doubt there'll be lamp posts on during that time because they're all auto-mated. This is so scary, the whole Singapore's gonna be in darkness for I-don't-know-how-long. Bring out your torches with you that day peeps! And of course to the babes out there, please becareful of Bangalas! Serious. Haha!
Alright, there's nothing much happening. There'll be Accounting remedial tomorrow and Wilson suggested to have lunch at Downtown East's Fish & Co Express! Woohoo! At least we could kill time. Our remedial only starts at 2 PM, and our actual lessons end at 11 freaking AM. Hopefully there'll be more of my classmates turning up for it, which I doubt very much.

Lastly, I did something bad. I've to own up. Please don't kill me for this.
Actually, I lied about cutting my hair! Hahaha! Did you guys believe it?! Was it convincing enough?
How could I bear cutting my long hair after a few years of growing it. Some want it, but can't have it yknow! They end up needing to spend money on extensions.

Hehehe. But but, I still want comments if I look better in long or short hair okay! Love.
Charmaine's bugging me to play Wahjong/Big2 on Viwawa with her.

Gnight everyone!
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