Here's the scenario. My boss texted me asking if anyone is keen on working this Friday to Sunday at East Coast for a Roadshow.
Definition of a Roadshow: Informal. Any group travelling about the country for a specific purpose, as a political candidate together with his or her entourage.
And guess what? She now tells me that only 1 person will be allocated to 1 outlet, which are the Xpress outlets at Petrol stations if I'm not wrong. Backetbolla court(Miss Choo taught us to scold this word, instead of vulgar ones)! Now one of them have backed-out, one is still staying and I've yet to inform the other 2. Hallelujah!
Tried my luck to ask my Boss if Baby could work. She said just bring him along to see her on Wednesday. Okay, so there's still that little glimspe of hope.
Anyone interested in working? Mail me for details @, latest by tomorrow. Girls only.
Oh oh, and I was talking to Amanda bout it just now.
R: How come Roadshow seperate one?!
A: Idk her.
A: Her Roadshow is single one.
A: Like that time at Century Square, all the stalls got 2-5 ppl working, I solo.
A: I want go break also can't.
R: Crazy!
A: I know why is called roadshow liao.
A: Cos is at petrol station, got ROAD.
A: Then u at there pose, = ROADSHOW.
SMLJ! Ahahaha.
Peace out.
Lol! Chill manz! Think of the $$$$$!
FML means?
Fuck My Life. :)
LOL reg. i anyhow type FML for fun .
Lol! I also know.
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