P/S: I like this blurry blurry pic! And I don't know what's up with my Baby's face.
Was out yesterday at Town with Baby. Was supposed pop over his place, but it wasn't possible cause I forgot to tell him some stuff. Sorry Baby. Anyway, we walked from FEP to Cineleisure for lunch at KFC and then to Plaza Sing to the arcade. He played his Drum as I watched like usual. Randomly decided to go to Daiso and ended up spending 6 bucks there. I got myself a little HelloKitty water bottle/cup, a HelloKitty bowl(it's damn cute and small and it's in my favourite colour!) and a tin coin bank.
Sam then called to tell me that he'd reached Cathay's Starbucks with Lechiner. So Baby walked me there. I was supposed to meet them to study, but I actually did nothing. All I did was to teach Sam a question on Costing. Damn pathetic I tell you. This is not gonna happen a second time! CAs are coming real real soon. Can't afford to waste anymore time. Hope the next study session would be more productive. And and! I didn't know guys bitched too! Haha, darn interesting to hear what they were gossiping about especially with your own eyes and ears. And I thought only girls do that.
Baby came back to find me a few times and waited for me to end before leaving for Plaza Sing again. We went back to the arcade to see those peeps catch the soft toys. So we were moving here and there to get a better view and suddenly this uncle beside us tapped on Baby's shoulder and gave us 3 tokens. Haha, guess he really got bored and there was nothing else he could play except that 'Who-Can-Hit-The-Hardest-With-The-Hammer' thing, if you know what I'm talking about. Homed after that.
Alright, here are yesterday's pictures!
Went for lunch with my parents at Roxy Square today. They really loved the Ban Mian there. I think no one will ever say the Ban Mian there isn't nice. Mummy then went for an interview at Parkway Centre just above Macs. Was exploring Roxy Square with Daddy after lunch and decided to get my nails done. So, Daddy left for Parkway and I went in to enquire about the prices. The manicurist then asked me to come back again at a slightly later time as she was busy with another customer.
So, I went back to find Daddy. Mummy finished her interview not long later and we met up with Godma Cat and Godpa Henry. Happy birthday, Godma Cat! Settled at a small food court and they started chatting. Left after awhile to get my nails done. The manicurist was really bubbly and friendly! She made me laugh throughout the whole session which lasted for prolly two and a half hours. Imagine that!
Here's a picture of how it looks like now! Plain, simple and I'm lovin' it.
I should have gone with the design on my thumb for all, but it's still alright. Girls who want to do mani/pedi, you can go to Roxy Square's 1st floor just outside the lift. Here's how it looks like on the outside.

It's really cosy on the inside.
Bused home after I was done. Oh oh! Did I mention that while I was at Parkway waiting for time to pass, I took a peek inside Charles and Keith and saw this pretty pair of wedged heels!
I'm so gonna get it and Baby's so gonna kill me. I'm still considering between the white or black. 60% goes to the white now and 40% goes to the black. The white one looks real elegant, but it's gonna get dirty after awhile. As for the black one, it's classy and of course I need not worry bout it getting dirty. Tell me your opinion!
I've bloody eyes again cause of my contacts, argh. Going out for lunch again tomorrow with parents at Cricket Club. I've to wake up early again. Damn. Nights!
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