Bite On Bullets: Marina's Chalet




Thursday, September 10, 2009

Marina's Chalet

05 September 2009

Backtracking. Studied for Taxation at Raffles' Macs with Nadilah for a few hours before heading to Marina's chalet @ Changi.

Baby and Gabriel came to fetch me from Whitesands and then we headed everywhere to get everything. What a hectic afternoon. Oh, and I got a dozen of donuts for everyone. Heee.

Okay, shall let the pictures do the trick.

Mr. Botak.

Lucky and Yogi.

I only managed to take a clear shot of Yogi as Lucky was effin hyper and he never stopped moving. That's why girls are much better than guys. Huahuahua.

Morgan aka Peng.


This 3kg BlackForest cake was solely made by Baby's Dad. He was a cake-maker previously and he cooks delicious food too!

Morgan, Hogan, Auntie and Marina.

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