Happy 1st Year Anniversary, Baby!

Thank you for everything you've done. You've picked me up when I fall, you've taught me wrong from right and you've made me a better person. Without you, I'll never be what I am today. I'll definitely still be that ignorant and spoilt brat. These 365 days of ups and downs, contained the happiest and saddest moments of my life. And I'm thankful that I have you. You stuck with me through thick and thin, I couldn't have asked for more. You were willing to do so much for me, even to the extent of risking yourself. You're the best that one could ever have. My love for you has already surpassed it's limit, there's nothing that can stop me from loving you now. Though you may be demanding and fierce at times, I know that it was all for my own good. I'm so glad to have you. I may not be the best you can ask for, but my love for you is deeper than the ocean. You make my life seem so perfect and worthwhile. No words can ever express my love for you even though I've always been saying so much here and there, umpteen times. Anyway, I hope you liked the stuff I gave you, though it was just a simple one. I'm not someone who has a brain full of creativity and y'know that. Heehee. You've not called tonight, bet it's the damn Navy who's restricting all of you again. Hopefully you'll be able to ring me up earlier tomorrow. I love you vmuch. ♥
With love,
R Baby.
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