Was out the whole day with Dd, Mm, Charmaine and her family. Whampoa for lunch at the famous duck rice stall(it really was good) and then to search for lightings for Charmaine's house. Over to Plaza Sing to look for door knobs and then to Carrefour.
It was already quite late by the time we were done, so I couldn't meet Hogan.
Charmaine, Matthias and his friends were there. It's been awhile since I last had all my favourite food. Gotta start exercising before I really turn into a fatty bom bom.
Totally didn't know why the picture turned out like that, when Matt's fingers weren't even blocking the flash.
Thanks for the lift home Matt! Uber excited, tomorrow's gonna be a happy happy day for both me and Hogan. I'm going to Kittylab in the night with him while he's happy cause its-a-secret. Heh.
Gotta rest well tonight. Gonna store all my energy for tomorrow! Gdnight, xo.
P/S: Sorry for the blurred pictures, forgotten to bring my cammy out today. All pictures were taken with my PradaLuv.
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