Attended my cousin(Angela)'s band concert held at her school this evening with Charmaine, Claire, Clarence, Liza, Rowena, Shawn, Uncle and Aunties.

During the concert.

With Charmaine.

I likey this pic. Hehehe.

Clarence and Rowena.

Rowena and Shawn.

And the slightly deflated Elmo helium balloon we got for Angela. The aunty at the shop didn't pump it full, I guess she was afraid the balloon would burst.


Cousins who attended the concert(with Charmaine and Claire missing cause they left first).
Sidetrack a little.

I'm gonna get this cutesy Hello Kitty necklace from Poh Heng tomorrow! Hehe. But I heard that it's quite costly, prolly over $300.

This it how it's gonna look like. Can't wait!
Also, Baby got me a Longchamp. It was a surprise. Aww, thanks love!

I'm a happy girl now. But still, there are so many things I wanna get! Damn.
What's making me most upset now is my hair! My beloved lovely red hair! It's gone. :( The first time I washed my hair, my shampoo became all pinky. That was when the colour faded, just by the first wash.
I really don't know if it's my shampoo or the dye. But I'm just mad upset. Here's how it sorta looks like now and some random pics of me.

Overdued pics of me and Bernice from Zhixiong's 21st celebration.

With love.
Okay, this one really band freak.
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