A new beginning of my life starts tomorrow. Smart kids everywhere in my class. I really can't believe I'm actually the oldest there, since I've always been the youngest in class. But as usual, I look the youngest. The feeling's a little awkward though.
I'm glad the "ice" broke between me and my new classmates towards the end of the first day of orientation. Isn't that amazing? Not all classes can do that, can they?
I'm really determined to do well in Poly. I'm gonna strive real hard and make sure I'm able to reach my goals. Despite having to wake up really early compared to my school days in ITE, I'm sure I'll be at school everyday(unless I'm on MC that is).
Let's do our very best DBF03!
Here are the pics from our first few days of orientation.
The guys(not complete).

And the girls.



Believe it or not, she's 2 years younger than me.

Guess what? I collected a total of 71 bucks!

And yes, I'm even older than the both of them.

I'm really not that short! I had to stood down real low okay! And that Eugene's tip toe-ing!

Dinah says that Kelvin and Jeremy looks alike. Really?

He thinks he's a model.

Trial jump shot!

Jump shot 1, failed.

Jump shot 2, failed again. We gave up after many tries.
I shall decide what to wear for tomorrow and have an early night. Goodnight ya'll, xo.