It's finally the holidays! Got myself a new job at ION's Sephora! Great workplace, awesome colleagues! Everything is perfect. There's only one bad thing about it, it's real tiring having to stand for 9-10 hours for 5 days/week. Oh well, shan't bother much bout it. Shall take it as a form of exercise. Hehehe.
Hogan's on 7 days block-leave! Ain't much time for me to accompany him though. But I'm glad he's been so supportive of me, not a single complain. He even fetches me from work. Oh oh! One more thing, it's the first time he says that I'm alright with make-up! He usually hates it when I put on the slightest make-up and falsies, he says it makes me look really ugly. Is he weird or what? But this time it's an exception! He said it's actually alright when my make-up is quite thick and also because it's for work.
Gonna be meeting Hogan tomorrow and the day after(which are my off days). He's bringing me to a doctor tomorrow to get my wound treated. It was hurting real badly just a few hours ago and now there's another bubble forming. Sigh. Then we'll be going over to his and his camp mates' chalet. And Thursday we're going to IKEA! Aftermath, I'll be working like kkkrazzzy! Friday, Saturday & Sunday. All are afternoon shifts! Gawd, how I hate the afternoon shifts.
Do remember to drop by Sephora(Sephora Make-Up section) to say hi when you're in ION! Cheerios!
Hi. just wna ask hw much did you bought tht dress on th day you wore to kittylab.
Can't rmb. I think it was $23 or $26.
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