End of my ITE life that is! Finally, papers are over. I'll definitely be missing this bunch(with half the class missing) a whole lot! But I'm sure we'll be meeting up for quite sometime, til we enter Poly/NS that is. Whole lot of memories during my 2 and 1/3 years there.

The girls. Veronica! Mari! Faith! Where are you girls?!


Our 4-pointer, Terry!

Sam Fam! He's not from our class, but always with us.

The Burden aka Ashley!

Finn Jr Chua!

Nathaniel and Ken(the only person in our class who owns a car - a sports car)!

Nadilah, Rohana and Fatimah!
Many may think ITEs are only for those who can't study, get into hell lotta problems and give nothing but trouble. But I would like to stand correted to those whose thinking are like that and who looks down on students from ITE.
Yes, I agree that a certain handful of students there are like that, but not all are. I really learnt so much during my school days there and became a better person myself. You'll never know til you've experience it. After going through the 2 years, I finally know what I want in life. I've never regretted going though these 2 years even though quite a number of things happened.
Thank you for all the joy and laughter. I'll never forget you guys! And of course the biggest credit goes to our lecturers, Ms Chan, Ms Tan, Ms Choo, Mr Ng, Mr Goh and Mr Wong! Without them, we'd never be where we are today. Big love!
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