Chic & slick bracelet-bangle given by UrbanBangs! Thank you, I really love it! Do visit them! Love their collection, they never fail to bring in awesome clothes!
Happy 2011 to all of you who're reading this! I unintentionally realised that this is my 500th post! Good number to start off the new year! Sorry for not blogging again. Just recovered from fever, cough, runny nose except for the sorethroat (throat's still feeling really sore), and I think I sound like a man. Been wanting to blog along with all my pictures, but there are too many of em' and the file size of each photo is huge cause of my 550D.
Moving on, 2010 wasn't a really awesome year for me but it ain't a bad one either.
- Graduated from ITE
- Entered a Polytechnic
- Hello Kitty pendant and Mahjong tiles
- Gucci wallet
- New hair colour
- Grew closer to Smoove
- Shifted house
- New friends
- BlackBerry Bold 9700
- Canon 550D
- Relapse of my skin problem
Well, these kinda sums up my year. Mentioned were the more significant events/stuff that I did/had for 2010. Went through quite a number of ups and downs, good times and bad times. I guess everything happens for a reason and I'm glad I overcame obstacle that came my way. Thanks to everyone who stood by me, new or old friends, you guys know who you are.
Leaving that behind, I'm gonna make the best out of this year (or at least hope I can). Came up with my new year resolutions for 2011.
- Blog more
- Balance my time well
- Do well in Poly
- Be a better person to family/friends
- More clothes and shoes
Yes, I'm emphasizing on the last point. I really gotta do so. I don't wanna feel inferior anymore, gotta have self-determination! Oh, and I wanna revamp my entire wardrobe. There are too many clothes that I don't wear anymore, gotta have more!
That's about it. Before I go, I shall share my favourite-st (I know there's no such word but I can't help not to say this) song! Just A Dream by Nelly. But this is a different, it's a cover from Sam Tsui & Christina Grimmie (she's only 16 and she's hot, find her on Youtube). The original cover by Nelly was already so awesome, this is 10X better I swear! Hear it yourself! Enjoy!
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