Met Charmaine the day before to search for some stuff and of course, shopping! Need not say much. Obviously, we went to Town, again. Singapore's getting real real boring.
So anyway, we finally stepped foot inside Forever21 at Somerset 313! But there wasn't really much pretty stuff. I had my eyes set on this hot pink pull-over, but they only had it in XL. So I just decided to see how small the S is in other colours. It was still too huge for me, I could totally wear it as a dress I swear. Oh well.
I ended up buying, nothing! What happened to all the pretty clothing!?! I need new clothes for CNY so badly! Currently, I've only one new dress that I got from a blogshop. This sucks.
Headed over to Bugis once we were done there. While waiting for Matthias to reach, we went shopping. Didn't get anything too. Finally when Matthias arrived, we dined at Billy Bombers.
We realised their deco looks similar to the game Diner Dash.
My dinner was free this time, I had this dinner voucher. Their serving portion there is always so huge. I couldn't even finish my food. I had to keep giving a bit to the both of them. But it's awesome.
It comes with a complimentary Nacho Cheese.
And chocolate milkshake! I'm falling in love with it! I know Charmaine would go "It just tastes like chocolate ice-cream". I just have this fetish for anything chocolatey!
Charmaine got me this from Bangkok too!
A Hello Kitty toothbrush! Cute or what!?
It even comes with this free Hello Kitty stamp. But there isn't any ink pad, guess I've to get it myself.
Love the details on the toothbrush. Finally, a new toothbrush! I've been wanting to change my toothbrush, and ta-dah! Here I go. Thank you Char! Love.
Shopped around a lil more after dinner to get our food digested, and back home for me and Matthias. Charmaine went to Bedok 85 to meet her friends for supper. I've no idea how she could even look at the food after having such a sumptuous dinner just an hour ago. My stomach was mad bloated even after I reached home. She said she'll just settle for some sugar cane though.
Can't wait for supper at 85 next week! Yay.