Was invited to Pearl's daughter's 1st birthday party at Downtown East last Saturday on the 25th. Was late to meet my girlies Iris and Weiting cause of work. Weiting ended up leaving first because she had an appointment with her friends. Managed to see her for 5 seconds when we walked past each other though!
Had an awesome time with Iris together with Phelove. And here are the pictures from Iris's iPhone 4!

Pearl and Phelove.

The birthday princess!

Weiting, Iris and Phelove.

With Pearl.

Us with Phelove!

Motherly, no? Hahaha!

She's so chubby and adorable!

Her daddy, Caiquan, disturbing her with her frog, Kugua(they named it Kugua cause of the sound the frog makes, but in chinese).


With my cuppycake, Iris!

Moving on. Work has been really hectic. Life has been really mundane. Work, home, sleep, work, home, sleep and this list carries on. Guess it's better than nothing. Or I'd be rotting at home every single day. Thankfully for my beloved babygirl, Valerie NXT who has been accompanying me during/to and fro work. Love you.

Anyway, the manufacturer for my skin problem pills(which are actually made of herbs) just came over to my place to pass me my tablets. Gotta start taking them again before my current condition worsens.
Now I'm back to the old routine. Gotta avoid eating chicken(I love chicken btw), no oily/fried food/nuts/beancurd/alcohol(which I don't touch til now, thankfully), no dying of hair and lastly, no late nights! Omg. Someone please kill me. This means I can't go for Smoove's events anymore?! Nooooo! I really need to recover soon! Help! Sigh.
On a brighter note, this will make me lose weight.