A big fat hello to those who are still reading this space! Really apologetic for neglecting my blog. Have been really busy with work during the holidays and then school, which has just reopened about 2 weeks ago.
Anyway, here are some of the main highlights that has happened over these past few months.
- I got myself a Blackberry!
- Daddy bought me a Canon EOS 550D as my birthday present! (Mega grins)
- My skin is recovering has I'm on medication.

Couldn't ask for more. And yes, my birthday is in 6 days! Still no plans on what I'mma do. The day before happens to be Deepavali, which is a public holiday. So hopefully, I'll be able to spend the night with my friends and when it hits 12, deng deng! I shall be the little princess of the day! Okay, I'm not that little anymore. My last year having the number 1 infront of my age.
But I really don't know why I'm having mixed feelings. I just have a really strong feeling that my birthday's gonna turn out like any other ordinary day. Oh well, we shall wait and see. Hopefully, just hopefully, something/someone surprises me.
Here are some random pictures taken from my Canon 550D. Some images are slightly blury. Sorry, but I'm still trying to get the hang of it. Not all of em' is taken by me though.
Smoove's meeting day at *Scape.

Esther and I!

Cutesy Chenchen!


Daryl Chow!

Cute or what!? Guess who was the artist?

Shuwen! Hehe.
A day in school. Classmates(mainly the guys) love spamming my 550D with their faces!



Both of them advertising for their collared shirt. Lol!

Eugene & Chester.

And yours truely, xo.
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