Bite On Bullets: 2009




Monday, December 28, 2009

Overdued Pics - Hogan's Birthday

Location: Plaza Sing - Taka - Somerset 313 - Queensway

It was Hogan's 19th!

From me to him. Hope he loved it as much as I do. He kept nagging at me, saying I shouldn't have splurged my money on it. But he seemed really happy though. And I'm glad.

Finally, mega spam of our pictures! It's been so so long since I last took a proper photo with him. This is why I love long bus rides. My top 3 favourite!

Then here comes the rest of the spamming.

He looks so much like a lil boy here! He was actually trying to show the coconut on his tongue from the Kueh Tu Tu we ate.

Hating my fringe. Neither long nor short. What should I do with it!?!

I swear he fell asleep within 1 minute after this photo was taken. We both had only 3 hours of sleep the night before. Mega tiring.

And lastly, me me me!

"I didn't really enjoy the going out, but I really really enjoy your company." - He quoted. Awwww. Love.

Overdued Pics - Christmas Day

Location: Godma Catherine's place.

Angela, well-know for her unglam actions.

Charmaine and I. The maxi dress kidz! It was totally coincidental, I swear.


I looked terrible that day. My eyes were so puffy that my double eyelid went missing! I was bare-faced that afternoon.

My prezzies!

From Angela -Sweets and a ginger bread man card.

From Godma Daisy - Merci chocolates.

From Aunty Alice - It was a pretty transparent and pink set of cotton pad holder and a dress jewellery hanger!

From Charmaine - Tiffany & Co. heart necklace! I love her ttm! Totally diggin' it.

Received more money than presents, I like. Hehehe. Thank you everyone!

Overdued Pics - Gifts Exchanged Day

My babes. We(Sephora's make-up section) had to put blood red lipsticks that day.


Mei Shan!



Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hogan's 19th

Happy 19th Birthday, Baby!

Thanks for being so patient with me despite me being stubborn and unreasonable at times. Everything I wanted to say, I've said it in a message. You're the best I could ever ask for. Don't quarrel with me anymore okay! See you in a bit. I love you! Xoxo.

Much Love,
Baby R.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Ho Ho Ho!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Sorry for the super lack of updates. Have been real busy at work, but the companion there has been wonderful. Can't wait for it to end though. I'm still contemplating if I should work til the end of next week, then I won't have anytime to enjoy but I'd get more ka-ching! How how how. Tough decision.

Pictures will be up probably tomorrow night. Gonna catch Avatar(3D) tomorrow after work with Hogan! Am going to check the timings online later, hopefully there'll be slots.

Alright, gotta go! Gonna have to wake up at 7 tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


It's finally the holidays! Got myself a new job at ION's Sephora! Great workplace, awesome colleagues! Everything is perfect. There's only one bad thing about it, it's real tiring having to stand for 9-10 hours for 5 days/week. Oh well, shan't bother much bout it. Shall take it as a form of exercise. Hehehe.

Hogan's on 7 days block-leave! Ain't much time for me to accompany him though. But I'm glad he's been so supportive of me, not a single complain. He even fetches me from work. Oh oh! One more thing, it's the first time he says that I'm alright with make-up! He usually hates it when I put on the slightest make-up and falsies, he says it makes me look really ugly. Is he weird or what? But this time it's an exception! He said it's actually alright when my make-up is quite thick and also because it's for work.

Gonna be meeting Hogan tomorrow and the day after(which are my off days). He's bringing me to a doctor tomorrow to get my wound treated. It was hurting real badly just a few hours ago and now there's another bubble forming. Sigh. Then we'll be going over to his and his camp mates' chalet. And Thursday we're going to IKEA! Aftermath, I'll be working like kkkrazzzy! Friday, Saturday & Sunday. All are afternoon shifts! Gawd, how I hate the afternoon shifts.

Do remember to drop by Sephora(Sephora Make-Up section) to say hi when you're in ION! Cheerios!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Whiles waiting for Hogan to be back, I'm gonna share a story of what happened today.

Something happened in the morning which totally ruined my day, but soon I got back on track. Met Baby at his place with Fadzly. Then we went to Bugis for dinner. This is when the tragedy starts.

We were opposite Bugis Junction, at those coffee shops to have dinner. Fadzly went upstairs to check if there were seats for us, so Hogan & I waited downstairs by the road. We were blocking this bike parking lot, where this China man wanted to park his bike. So I pushed Hogan to the side, just to let him park kindly. 3 seconds later, Fadzly came down asking us to go upstairs. So without much notice, my left leg brushed against the China man's piping hot exhaust pipe!

I swear, I've never felt anything like that before. Not even my navel piercing could beat that. At first it was poking, then it was stinging! I finally realised what stinging is, and I never ever thought it'd happen to me. It was so so painful that I started crying and I couldn't even walk without limping.

Hogan then let the ice slowly drip water around the wound. Then it started to turn from white to black. Nothing can describe how I was feeling. Soon, it started to feel slightly better but the feeling was still piercing. Both of them told me not to think about it, but how could I even if I wanted?!

So, over to Plaza Sing to get Fadzly's new sim card then to Parklane for lane.

My botak boy.


This was how it looked like at first. Hogan told me not to touch it, and let it heal by itself. But it's gonna take quite sometime for sure. The stinging feeling then went away, I felt much better.

We left slightly after an hour. Hogan accompanied me to 201 for supper(supposedly with Cousins). Only Rowena and Shawn turned up, but it's alright. The wound suddenly started to turn blacker and blacker. And soon when I reached home. This was it.

I swear the picture doesn't do justice compared to real life. It's so so much blacker and disgusting. The bubble's super huge now with loads of water in it. The dead(black) skin just keeps accumulating. Sigh. Every single time I take a glance at it, I'd feel like crying so so badly. Well I did, terribly. As I'm seeing it again and typing this, my eyes are starting to feel all watery again.

Though my legs aren't that perfect(in terms of size), but it really hurts to see it being scarred. Guys will never understand how important a girls' legs are to them. Many have asked me to visit a doctor/pharmacy incase of any infections. Thanks for all your concern, very much appreciated. Love.

Thanks for everything Baby. I love you.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Finally! Hogan's not a recruit anymore!

Met Baby's parents and Morgan at Tanah Merah where we took the free shuttle bus in to Changi Navel Base. The sun was scorching hot when we arrived, the heat was oh-my-god. So, we waited for everyone to settle down before the parade began.

The cooling view from our seats. I seriously felt like jumping into the water to stop the heat.

Start of the parade. P/S: Hogan's the first person right in the center for all videos.

Next up was a skit.

Hogan's the fourth person on the left row, shouting the commands.

Then they got changed into their Navy uniform!

Time for the putting on of caps.

Baby's family.

Baby and me!

Then it was the prize presentation ceremony.

Baby was the only person in the entire camp who won 2 awards! The Best Knowledge Award and Best Recruit(in his company) Award. So so proud of him. There were also 4 other awards given to different people.

The Navy song.

Newly trained sailors!

Hogan with his campmates.

Grats Baby! Love.
